Creep Feeder

For those who don’t know, a creep feeder is not a diner that creeps go for a meal, it is an enclosed area where lambs can creep through openings too small for mommas and partake of the extra feed they need to grow while mommas (who are too big to fit) have to stay on…

No Lambs. Yet.

And still, we wait… As of this evening, all the ewes still have big bellies and great appetites. Missy, Jolene, and Matilda are XXL blimps but so far none of them are off their feed. I keep hoping for new noses to count and the twins need extra playmates to zoom around with. In the…

A Typical Evening

It could have been an ordinary Thursday at Tower Ranch. There were chores to be done, animals to feed, and dinner to cook. But there was also lambs to play with. But first, the girls wanted my attention. Today was the day that we decided to put the lambs outside, with their mother of course….

Lamb Watch

Nellie and her twins are doing great, everyone is healthy and thriving.  Next on deck are Jolene and Missy.  Jolene got moved into a jug, a small birthing pen, today after she showed signs of impending labor.  Of course then she scarfed her dinner, which indicates she’s not all that close, and at last check…

Lamb Coat – Part 1

In America it’s possible to buy just about anything you want or need but sometimes I like to make things for my self. Luckily I have the skills to recreate just about anything I can see so the making part comes rather easily for me. I enjoy finding the parts and pieces too, it’s like…

It’s Twins!!!

Nellie gave us twins today. I came home from work to these adorable little bouncy babies. The little boy was zooming all around so my son dubbed him Bouncing Billy. I promised my friend the first girl would be named Bridget so Bridget she shall be. She has the cutest markings on her face. Bridget…

Lamb Watch 2014

Waiting for lambs is like waiting for paint to dry. You know it’s going to happen but you just don’t know when. It depends on the thickness of the paint, how it was applied, the relative humidity in the air and room temperature, among other things. Waiting on Lambs is much the same. We know…