Tiny Guest

Wednesday we found a tiny guest had joined our poultry in the barn. We have dubbed her Charlene although we have no idea if our guest is a he or a she. Google has helped us determine she is a Northern Saw-Whet Owl. Although all the articles say they are hard to see and elusive,…

Finally, Snow

Anyone who lives in a cold climate will understand that when the temps are -20°F (or lower) all we think about is “Please, let it snow” because we all know snow can only happen at temperatures above zero, which, loosely translated,  means it’s much warmer. After a week of air so cold it hurts your…

Hot Wings & Things

I’ve spent most of my life in Alaska. I was born here and I’ve spent plenty of time working and playing in the cold. Doing chores at -20*F gives you a strong appreciation for a good heater.    Today was our first day of single digit temps for the season. It happens every year but…

Come And Get ‘Em

   We had a great day processing the remaining birds yesterday. Over 90 chickens are cleaned, wrapped, and ready for dinner.  What a treat to be able to offer fresh, healthy chickens to our friends, family, and other local customers.  If you’re interested in humanely raised local chickens shoot us an email, message us on…