
Sold out – We will have more fleeces soon 🙂 I’m selling these fleeces for a friend. This raw fleece weighs 5.25 lbs, is relatively clean (for an uncoated fleece) and rinses out pretty bright white. $35 for the whole fleece. This fleece has more vm than the other, is 5 lbs, and will take…

Rookie Mistake

This guy, this awesome, well built, beautifully fleeced guy, should have been a champion. But no. Because I was so preoccupied with other things I took the wrong sheep into the ring. (Queue the sound of my head hitting the desk). July 22nd & 23rd I attended the 2nd annual Mat-Su Valley Fiber Festival. I…

Tasty Lamb

Got the first lambs of the season back from the processor. They came out beautifully. Get yours before it’s all gone. Leg steaks = $12 per lb. Meaty chops = $12 per lb. Stew meat =$10 per lb These animals are bred and raised right here in Palmer, Alaska. We feed Alaska hay and barley…