Farm Pics

It’s been busy around here. Puppies, lambs, and chicks abound. And a kid too 🙂   Einstein has warmed up to human interaction and is quite the charmer. Fleece quality seems to be excellent as well. Is it just me or does Maximus, our Pygora orphan, resemble a gremlin? This little bundle has so much attitude,…

Latest and Greatest

I had to help Betty get these two out but they look both look healthy and perfect. The little girl has some pretty markings and the little boy was still too wet to tell 🙂 They both have Betty’s sweet fine-boned face. 

Started Pups Available 

A change in circumstances means these two purebred Maremmas are back on the market.  Bonnie and Clyde are learning from Mia and Al what it means to be an LIvestock Guardian. These pups were born October 29 and they’ve had all their shots.  Their instincts are spot on and they are learning fast enough that…