2021 Fleece For Sale

The fair is over and we would like to say a huge Thank You to everyone who works so hard to make it all come together. Here are the fleeces from this year’s fair. We may add more to this list, but this is what I have labeled and photographed 😊 #1 – Groot –…

RIP Alessandro

It is with heavy hearts we share that Al has crossed over the rainbow bridge. It was unexpected and uneventful. He was in the yard with his sheep enjoying a warm summer day and when we called him for dinner he didn’t wake up. While we are glad his passing was peaceful we are also…

Raw Wool

We have too many fleeces, our wool shelves are overflowing, so come pick up this wool and get your projects going! In no particular order here is the first batch: #2 – Bridgett had her coat removed at lambing and the lambs climbed all over her and even slept on her. Fun to watch but…

Sheep Sale

We are running out of time and don’t have the freezer space, This weekend sheep are available for $100 per head. SOLD – Sonny – Registered Merino Ram Sonny is a 3 year old proven ram with top quality super-fine fleece. He is one of the first sheep born in Alaska using Australian genetics via…

Sheep For Sale

Now that my knee replacements are scheduled we need to lighten the workload so we have decided to sell about 20 sheep. We have several wethers that have just been weaned, great for wool or meat. The dark ones are Dorper crosses and have very dense musculature. The white ones are slower growing but taste…

Clyde has a new Farm :)

The time has come for Clyde to find a farm of his own. As my surgery looms closer and I downsize my flocks there is less work for dogs. Clyde is a 2 year old and he really is our dream-dog. Reliable, faithful, and so very versatile, we know we can use him in any…

Fire Sale

As some of you know, our home burned down last September. While everyone survived the home was a total loss. All my fleeces had come home from the fair and were waiting to be sold when 46,000 gallons of water was poured into my home to combat the blaze. Long story short, the fleeces didn’t…

Merino Ram For Sale

Sonny is a 2.5 yr old registered Merino. His sire is Australian Merino via artificial insemination. Sonny is a proven sire – 10 healthy good growing lambs from 5 ewes this year. He was a twin and this year he threw all twins. Great fiber, fine, crimpy, and bright white. $1000.  

Breed vs Fleece

People often ask what kind of sheep I have. I always give the same answer. Soft ones. I want soft, fine, crimpy fleece and I’m not afraid to mix and match to get it. My very first sheep were Icelandic’s. I still have the ewe. Betty Boop is a great mother and an easy keeper,…

Shearing 2019

When I say I raise sheep people tend to ask 2 questions. #1 For what purpose? #2 What kind of sheep. Well, to #1 I say my main focus is the best wool I can raise, but they all taste good. And #2 is the soft cute ones. Since my main focus is the wool,…